brambles meets the postal service
dude that pad you have goin on that has the slow attack and mid release is probably one of the best pads i have ever heard and you totally utilized it great.
i really enjoyed the the drums patterns you chose to make. they were really fitting and relaxing. great HH work.
to me this song was nearly flawless in musicality until 1:50 with that piano. dude that needs to be fixed. stick to white keys and dont over complicate it. at 2:16 the pads musicality gets a little weird for my tastes im just not ok with what that sounds like there but i did kind of like how you structured that middle part at 3:10, fix that hichest percussive synth note it sounds off and like you are trying to mix it up when it sounds great just floating i liked most of the guitar section it had a cool sound a and went with the song and i just think some of the notes on the wave file need to be sliced and pitch shifted because there were like 2 parts musicly i didnt think belonged there, but then again this is your expression not mine so i cant agree with everything and i wouldnt expect you to do the same with mine. your last review was great because you were assertive about what you didnt like.
at 4:07 i felt you ending lost focus and you were trying to make a climax, but it was chaos to me. i had n idea what to listen to or what i was supposed to be feeling at this point, you kinda threw off the chill vibe of the song.
the very ending coming back to that pad was great.
this song is pretty good and with some tinkering, sorry but mostly of the notes not the mixing or instruments because i liked them all and you made wise choices and had a great variety, but once you get that musical part fixed it will be lush. if you want my help to do this ask me and i will get to it when i can. otherwise seek outside help if you cant hear it. dont be stubborn and think this is an insult because training your ear takes time and you have allready come a tremendous way from where you started. i still remember what it was like when people told me my early music sounded way too bizarre to be pleasant. ... im talking psychedelic dewop with circus music and alot of modulated vocals with alot of i dont think i ever posted them on ng.
anyway take a break from this dude you have worked so hard. you are going to wear yourself out on this song