realistic cheating
ok there are some new concepts i think you are ready for listening to this.
this song didnt feel like it was going anywhere to me simply because none of it was familiar or i felt that it wasnt building up to anything rather. in order to do that you need a theme in the playing which is a familiar line and since the melody was so abstract and free i couldnt relate or remember it in corelation to anything. i like the synth that came in in the middle and i like how it soloed out for the end and looped, extremely smooth.
anyway now for some learn'n!
if you want to make mechanical piano samples sound more real you have to do alot of work and then export that part and reput it in as a wav.
let me explain the procedure.
ok so i have a piano sample and i want to stretch it out over the spectrum in a sampler on the piano reel. ok that fine but you forget that sound expands over the frequency field, it can sound really granular if you stretch that to the bottom notes and it spreads out so try using multiple samples for a wide scale.
anyway i am pretty sure thats not what you did here but i want to address the mechanical aspect of it. real instruments have variations in timbre and dynamics and here are a few ways to get that.
adjust the attack and velocity and releases of the notes. automating the parameters on the amp envelope can help here. also some notes should be softer or harder than others, the hard ones are known to be accented. reverb helps it covers up blemishes. sometimes instrumental samples are so raw and hard because thay are mant to be modified.
good work on this piece, it is soothing and now that it has looped a few times i can realize that it was nice to not have to think of the same melody over and over and it put my mind at ease.