well ian you have surprised me with your composition because in this one things are very alive and you have managed to get alot of exciting instrument events happening without cluttering your song. lots of little accents to your melody that i appreciate, at :47 i smiled because it just felt exciting when you had your notes trail up like that.
the only complaint to your instruments i have is about the bass. at the beginning the way you were filtering it just wasnt suiting me, i would have enjoyed the filter to have been more heavy at the beginning and less able to distinguish that it was saw? more like as present as a sinus(sin) wave i thought it should have been. but really it wasnt that big a deal to me, i liked the way your bass was filtered throughout the rest of the song, at the beginning it just seemed too heavy. and since you filtered in that mid range bass synth with the pattern that is rhythmic if that bass hadnt been the focus until that part swooped in i could have been anticipating the build a little more. <----- this is me picking out stupid details because you want me to think!
uh.... turn down that ride hat a little, the one on the off beat. and just for curiosity you should see how it sounds slightly shortened. you dont hav to though. but do turn it down.
around :44, i really enjoyed that. it seems like you let the other instruments out o you could feature the pad and i think you started releasing the "release" on your envelope? this was a smart move as not to clutter things but to create a dream like effect. and then you let out some delay around then and it was just swelling in the background when the rest came back in, very cool ian.
at parts like :52 i liked your filtered sweeps of the mid range synth. very cool as well.
anyway good work here ian. make sure not to make that bass very complicated or dominating you you will keep this all in control.
i feel like its my fault for teaching you not to be minimal, which is what most electronic music is sometimes. take electro. usually only 2 to 3 synths max involved in the song, trance could be 4 or 5, ambient god who knows , but i have always embraced synths and used them like crazy to improve orchestration, and i dont wanna act like it was my idea but lol there are alot of synth variations here and unlike me at the early production years you are keeping them all very balanced in this song, and they arent clashing at all. good work here, be careful not to get carried away and this will be a pretty good song.